He was one of the most important entrepreneurs in Germany. The founder of the drugstore chain dm Götz Werner died at the age of 78. The company that the man from Heidelberg founded in 1973 announced this on Tuesday. dm is present in 14 countries and has more than 60,000 employees.
Werner has supported the initiative for an unconditional basic income since he was a professor of economic policy and regulatory theory at the University of Freiburg. Because of his commitment, many on Twitter are mourning "a good guy" who has left us.
His son Christoph Werner has been CEO of dm since 2019. He stated that his father and extraordinary life companion passed away peacefully.
Götz Werner leaves behind a wife and seven children. A few days ago he had celebrated his birthday.
Since 2017, 50 percent of dm has belonged to the now 19-year-old Kevin David Lehmann, who inherited the shares from his father at the age of 14. In 1973, the father supported the founding of the drugstore chain with his capital. According to FORBES, his fortune is almost 3 billion euros.
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