Postbank customers have had problems accessing their accounts online for a few days. The bank is aware of this. They are working "high pressure" on a solution.
- Postbank customers have had problems accessing their accounts online for a few days. The bank is aware of this. They are working "high pressure" on a solution.
Problems in online banking and in the accessibility of the homepage cause annoyance among Postbank customers. In social networks such as Twitter, users complained that they had not been able to access their account for days or, for example, had been able to transfer money from abroad in online banking.
"For a few days now, Postbank's online applications, such as the website ( or online banking, have been partially restricted in accessibility," said a spokesman for the institute, which belongs to the Deutsche Bank Group Friday on request with. The security of accounts or data was never affected. There had previously been media reports on the IT problems at Postbank.
Postbank spokesman: "Our IT is working at full speed"
"We would like to apologize to affected customers," said the spokesman. "Our IT is working flat out to fix these restrictions as quickly as possible." "Thanks to the technical measures recently introduced, a noticeable improvement in accessibility and performance" is expected in the course of Friday. Postbank did not provide any information on the exact causes.
On Twitter, the institute had already asked customers for “a little patience” in view of the restrictions on Wednesday and referred to the possibility of placing orders by telephone as an alternative.
After some back and forth, Deutsche Bank decided in spring 2017 not to sell Postbank after all, but to integrate it into its private and corporate customer business. The legal integration was completed in mid-May 2020: DB Privat- und Firmenkundenbank AG, founded in May 2018, was merged into Deutsche Bank AG. (dpa/sap)
Also read: Reclaim fees from the bank: Customers need to know this after the BGH ruling © dpa
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