Long waiting times, missing luggage: According to the airport association ADV, the shortage of staff and the resulting problems at German airports are not expected to ease for the time being. "The current conditions do not meet our requirements," said the general manager of the ADV, Ralph Beisel, of the "world". An improvement is only to be expected in October – also because the number of applications for temporary employees from Turkey that had been hoped for has not increased.
There are no applications for a background check
Up to 2,000 employees from Turkey were to be hired on a temporary basis, particularly in order to stabilize baggage loading at German airports, which was affected by the lack of staff. For work at airports, however, a so-called background check is necessary. However, the corresponding applications from Turkey are not yet available, as various competent authorities of the "world" have confirmed.
"According to the current status, there are no applications for potential employees from Turkey," said a spokesman for the Frankfurt police headquarters. So far, there have also been no corresponding applications for the airports in Berlin, Düsseldorf and Munich, the “Welt” reported.
The authorities also rejected the demands of the aviation industry to speed up the reliability checks in view of the lack of staff at the airports. "Simplifications or stratifications in the reliability check are basically not possible," said a spokeswoman for the Berlin-Brandenburg aviation authority. A blanket recognition of applications from foreign employees is also not possible.
SPD demands state security controls
As a consequence of the sometimes chaotic conditions at German airports, the SPD called for security checks to be placed under state sovereignty again. Zanda Martens, SPD rapporteur on air passenger rights in the Bundestag's legal committee, told the "Handelsblatt" newspaper that "the experiment with which sovereign aviation security tasks were placed in private hands decades ago has finally failed." Aviation security tasks should therefore be returned to the public sector.
Martens proposed Düsseldorf Airport as a nationwide model project for reducing aviation security tasks. "In the medium term, the model project must show that the federal government does not outsource its aviation security tasks to private service providers, but must retain responsibility and control over working conditions, smooth operational processes and effective defense against terrorism."
The SPD domestic politician Sebastian Hartmann pleaded in the "Handelsblatt" for orientation at Munich Airport. There, the checks are organized by an aviation security company in which the Free State holds a 51 percent stake. "The SPD parliamentary group has been campaigning for years for the security checks at German airports to be returned to the state, in line with the Munich model," said Hartmann. The Union blocked that for years.
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