According to an analysis by the energy company e.on, the storm "Ylenia" set a record for wind power. On Wednesday, with a peak of 47.12 gigawatts, more wind power was fed into the German power grid than ever before, reported e.on in Munich after evaluating data from the Federal Network Agency.
The new high was reached on Wednesday evening. According to the information, this record is the peak of several windy weeks at the beginning of the year: by February 17 alone, German wind turbines on land and at sea generated more than 28 billion kilowatt hours of electricity. In the previous year, only around 18.5 billion kilowatt hours had come together up to this day.
With a view to the weather forecast, the e.on analysts estimate that a total of more than 37 billion kilowatt hours of wind power could be generated in Germany in January and February. For comparison: In the whole of 2021, the systems in Germany generated around 118 billion kilowatt hours of wind power.
e.on registered the largest share of wind power in electricity consumption this year on February 6, a Sunday when electricity consumption is lower than on weekdays. The average value for January was a good 36 percent. In February, the average so far is more than 50 percent wind power.
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