Delivery bottlenecks, material shortages and measures to contain the ongoing pandemic have dampened and delayed the expected economic recovery in Germany. In the opinion of many experts, the improving global economy and the high demand for goods "Made in Germany", as well as foreseeable catch-up effects, mean that strong economic growth can now be expected for 2022. At the same time, the high inflation rate has become an important issue. The trade unions, with their sometimes high demands, want to achieve all the more that the wage agreements in 2022 do not result in any real wage losses for employees.
Unions and employers naturally have different views on the scope for wage increases in this situation. Tariff dispute is therefore programmed. You can find an overview of the major collective bargaining rounds in 2022 here:
*Source: WSI Tariff Archive;
Note d. Red.: The table only shows the percentage wage demands and wage agreements. We have not listed special regulations such as one-off payments, profit-sharing, wage increases by fixed sums (for all employees regardless of their income), vacation, etc. in order to keep the table clearer and comparable.
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